Home, home in the church

After ducking out of work quietly (and perhaps prematurely... hopefully not rudely... everyone seemed busy so I didn't want to say bye loudly but I sorta regretted it after, I think it's kind of bad etiquette D: d'oh), I started biking to Enschede's main train station. And then I started biking faster, when I realized that I didn't want to be late and I didn't know how long it would take.

Turns out that, at a decent speed, it takes about 20 minutes. Not bad for a slowpoke on a small bike, I think.
Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to operate the hardlock that I borrowed from my supervisor, so that added 5 minutes of confusion. I gave up and just used the back tire lock, rationalizing that people probably wouldn't want such a small bike, right?

Bought a round trip ticket to Almelo (which was about 8 euros -- although it would be nice to stay with the saints, it would be a bit steep to pay that five days a week... at least the bike, now that it's bought, is free XD) and hopped on a train.

It was all very well-timed... just as I stepped out of the station, I saw what I suspected was their car (small car, stuffed full with mom, dad, two boys in the back...) and we went off on our merry way to... a legit Dutch pannenkoek place! It was like... a farm-turned-restaurant in the middle of nowhere. So cool. I think we drove through at least 3 or 4 towns on the way there. Or villages. I don't know what they were.

Anyway, I got to hear a little bit about how brother Jaap came into the church life, and it was just so sweet to hear how the Lord moves and works. There's a lot that I take for granted, so listening to his testimony just made me very happy.

And I got to eat pannenkoek in Holland!! This one seemed to have a lot of good stuff, so I ordered it... I think there's some kind of sausage, or pepperoni... bacon... onion, peppers... anyway. It turned out to be a little salty, so I put their syrup (stroop) on it; not sure if the rest of the table thought it was weird.

Dessert too!!

Then we went to the family's house (I guess I forgot to mention -- there are 7 saints there in total, 4 in one family, and 3 sisters) and had some tea/coffee/water and sang (in Dutch). So, so sweet.

I'm not sure if this is the right word but it feels like this might be what gezellig is like.


CW said...

Awesome =) looks delicious

mandy said...

posting so you know we're reading =)
and jealous of your edibles. gah.

Joyce said...

Yay! For gazelle-ing :) Or you can be like a well- fed calf leaping about on the hill...Hahahha.

Unknown said...

K'dee!! your blog looks so pro haha mandy told us about your consumption of pannenkoek so i had to come on to check it out! quite jealous!! look forward to following more of your adventures =)

on faith, food and flying
The thoughts and experiences of a college kid on faith, love and life in pursuit of Christ, the loveliest One, while enjoying misadventures and quests for food, which so happen to take her around the world.
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