Turns out that, at a decent speed, it takes about 20 minutes. Not bad for a slowpoke on a small bike, I think.
Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to operate the hardlock that I borrowed from my supervisor, so that added 5 minutes of confusion. I gave up and just used the back tire lock, rationalizing that people probably wouldn't want such a small bike, right?
Bought a round trip ticket to Almelo (which was about 8 euros -- although it would be nice to stay with the saints, it would be a bit steep to pay that five days a week... at least the bike, now that it's bought, is free XD) and hopped on a train.
It was all very well-timed... just as I stepped out of the station, I saw what I suspected was their car (small car, stuffed full with mom, dad, two boys in the back...) and we went off on our merry way to... a legit Dutch pannenkoek place! It was like... a farm-turned-restaurant in the middle of nowhere. So cool. I think we drove through at least 3 or 4 towns on the way there. Or villages. I don't know what they were.
Anyway, I got to hear a little bit about how brother Jaap came into the church life, and it was just so sweet to hear how the Lord moves and works. There's a lot that I take for granted, so listening to his testimony just made me very happy.
And I got to eat pannenkoek in Holland!! This one seemed to have a lot of good stuff, so I ordered it... I think there's some kind of sausage, or pepperoni... bacon... onion, peppers... anyway. It turned out to be a little salty, so I put their syrup (stroop) on it; not sure if the rest of the table thought it was weird.
Dessert too!!
Then we went to the family's house (I guess I forgot to mention -- there are 7 saints there in total, 4 in one family, and 3 sisters) and had some tea/coffee/water and sang (in Dutch). So, so sweet.
I'm not sure if this is the right word but it feels like this might be what gezellig is like.
Awesome =) looks delicious
posting so you know we're reading =)
and jealous of your edibles. gah.
Yay! For gazelle-ing :) Or you can be like a well- fed calf leaping about on the hill...Hahahha.
K'dee!! your blog looks so pro haha mandy told us about your consumption of pannenkoek so i had to come on to check it out! quite jealous!! look forward to following more of your adventures =)
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