Bijbel distributie

Today I am in Eindhoven! (Another city in The Netherlands)

We went out today to hand out New Testaments and it was really cold out... the wind knocked the banner over multiple times. But, in just 1.5 hours (or less...), we handed out 55 bibles, with 45 people who were interested in hearing more about bible studies or seminars in the area.

I was quite impressed :) both with the heart of the saints (there are only 2 families who are really here in the city, so the other few carloads came from other cities) and the openness of the people. Though I experienced quite a few rejections, it was very sweet when you got to spend a little bit of time talking to someone who really wanted a bible.

It's too bad that our toes were freezing and most people were in a rush to go wherever they were going.

Prijs de Heer!


Joyce said...

(where's the "Like" button?) Wow! Praise the Lord for the openness!

on faith, food and flying
The thoughts and experiences of a college kid on faith, love and life in pursuit of Christ, the loveliest One, while enjoying misadventures and quests for food, which so happen to take her around the world.
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