København! aka Copenhagen

A "brief" glimpse at the long weekend of adventure-ness (my first time to Scandinavia!)

The train from Germany to Denmark goes on a ferry!

For real! And you get out of the train and can take pictures and eat food and stuff.

A drink with some alcohol content that I actually enjoy (admittedly, it pretty much tastes like Martinelli's, but it feels cool to be drinking Swedish apple cider =P).

Did you know Lego is Danish? 
I didn't ...

Lego mock-up of one of the really touristy spots of Copenhagen (Nyhavn, aka New Harbour)

The "free town" within Copenhagen. Interesting, but gave me a weird vibe when walking around, though I can't quite describe that it was.

"Hey, there's something under construction behind this wall, so we'll put some art on it so you feel better about missing out on what used to be/will be here."

Live version of Nyhavn.

Close to the hostel... not sure if this was art (it had the name of a cafe on it) or an accident-turned-billboard...

The way iced tea should be. (I'm addicted to "housemade" iced teas in this continent, restaurants that do their own iced tea are awesome....)


The famous little mermaid. I think this explains why I had "Part of Your World" stuck in my head this morning....

My wannabe-artistic-but-failed photo of Tivoli Gardens, the second-oldest amusement park in the world.

Slightly better picture of the Gardens, later at night.

This was at the train station and (sorry for the epic window glare problem) but U of C'ers, does this remind you of something?!

Anyway, that is all for now folks. Tune in next time to hear about interesting realizations I've had.
OR it will be another wait and maybe some pictures. We shall see...

A spike in viewership!

For whatever reason, there was a big increase in pageviews today, so I felt inspired to write another post :).

Recently, my brother and another brother came to visit! It was pretty exciting. We totally touristed the clogs off of these tall Dutch folk. In just four (+ two) days, we managed a bunch of stereotypical Dutch things:

We visited Keukenhof (huge flower gardens, surrounded by even bigger tulip fields..)

Kinderdijk, a UNESCO world heritage site featuring old windmills that do not seem to spin anymore....

Amsterdam, during the last Queen's day (or is it Kroningsdag?) of... this generation. We didn't get to see the King and Queen live (like in-person) but we did see them on big screens and we witnessed a legit coronation, not just one that you see in a movie.

Also experienced (but not pictured):
  • pannekoeken (hooray, Dutch pancakes!)
  • FRESH stroopwafel (I do not know if I can go back to the storebought ones, especially if it's from Superstore....)
  • uncannily beautiful weather (something I would classify as NOT typical Dutch....)
  • fried Dutch fast food (including fries with awesome sauces, kroketten and bitterballen)
  • other random Dutch-type fast food (doners are the burgers of Europe... and I got to introduce my brother to a kapsalon, haha.)
  • the charming city and parts of the campus in Delft
  • Indonesian food
  • a little bit of hot pot with the saints in Delft :) delicious
  • (falling down the stairs, but that was just me. And in fairness, the stairs in this country are called "traps" for a reason)
  • Konninginenacht (Queen's night) in The Hague -- we only stayed for an hour though, but it was enough time to see most of the carnival going on
  • the city centre of Arnhem
  • dinner with my former flatmates, including playing 30 seconds (a Dutch game, where you try to describe items on a card and your team has to guess), Taboo, and teaching them how to play telephone pictionary... which is always ridiculously awesome when you play with people whose first language isn't English (the Dutch are amazing at English, but occasionally the difference between a 'quad' and 'squat' gets them xD)
So, as you can imagine, I'm pretty exhausted. This, coupled with work, and insane allergies that make it hard to breathe.... I think I will go to bed now.

on faith, food and flying
The thoughts and experiences of a college kid on faith, love and life in pursuit of Christ, the loveliest One, while enjoying misadventures and quests for food, which so happen to take her around the world.
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