So this is going to be a long post, but I think I will stick mainly to pictures.
While in Calgary, some places I tried out:
NOtaBLE (for brunch):
Not bad, but I was not overly impressed with the taste. It felt just a little bit bland. The idea was neat (like a pancake but savoury) but I felt like they could do better... I'd have to check out dinner.
Tilted Grill:
Yay! Korean BBQ burrito, finally... (LA food truck-style). Too bad it's double the price. It was tasty, and the yam fries were an excellent complement.
Diner Deluxe:
Did I ever mention how much I love breakfast? Because I do. Chocolate french toast with bananas... full of happiness (even though it looks kind of ugly.)
Road trip!
I hitch hiked down to Anaheim with my father and Jonathan. A lot of food was consumed, and a lot of sitting around happened. But, it was fun.
I will just give a small sampling...
This is out of order but I am lazy, sorry.
Anaheim Japanese place (don't know the name...):
Special Thai!!!
On the road, we went to the Brick Oven:
Honestly, the brick oven was outside; it was 99 degrees.
They had good pizza! This was chicken alfredo pizza. So tasty.
Japanese place in Salt Lake City:
Cafe in Anaheim (French-Canadian style too, hehe):
Cute crepe =) and tasty. But small.
Cortina's: (as recommended by Alex. Actually the place above was also recommended by Alex)
Anyway, a very abbreviated and hyperspeed version of some of the things I've consumed lately. I realized (as I flipped through some pictures) there are more Calgary places I visited that I haven't blogged about either. So very behind... BUT! Once school starts, I will probably visit food places less frequently. So I won't be behind!
I have yet to post about other things in life... I guess I will save that for another day.